Ignite Your Sacred Dormant Power.

Alchemize Your Soul Compass.
Life is a FairyTale. It'll enchant & haunt you til you learn how to be in harmony with your life. If you wanna weave your dreams into reality like stars stitched into the night sky, to heal, grow, survive & thrive with grace, courage & decadence-then you need your Soul Compass.
It's Simple but POWERFUL & Every Human Needs One.
It’s a personalized symbol delivered by your heart that acts as a beacon of light from your soul, keeping you deliciously grounded and guiding you ever-steadily into the life that's most meaningful for you (especially through any tough times). "If you need magic in your life, do this now". Jamie Sullivan
Soul Compass is a rite of intention. It's the magic that happens when science & spirit merge. In times of need, you'll use the mechanics of Possibility Anchors to strengthen your spirit, calm your body and connect your mind to the power within you.
Because what affects you is mostly invisible. Your mind has within it forbidden forests, webs of burried hurt and unspoken fear and secret gardens you forgot where you hid the key to.
Your Soul Compass will be your Benevolent Guardian & Lucky Charm. Crafted from your essence and pulled from your life’s story, it'll gracefully guide you to your own Becoming.

Forbidden Forest
On your Journey of fulfilling your deepest heart's desires, you'll likely bump into things within you that've been stored far away. You'll need to feel your way through and remember your why. Soul Compass will warm you like a crackling fire as you traverse the unknown.

The Trials
Living an enchanted life connected to your sacred power will land you in places that illuminate your weaknesses and cast doubt in your spirit. Soul Compass will wrap your challenges in caramel making the hard times something you can relax into while you move through them.

The Secret Garden
What's true for a person's heart is often shrouded in protection. All the clarity, direction & magic you need for your life is within the garden of your being. Problem is, much of your garden is overgrown and forgotten. Your magic is real. Soul Compass will be your faith.
Living by your Soul's Compass will help you enjoy the ride & the destination.
If you effortlessly followed your intuition?
If you could connect to the magic within you?
If your real life was a luscious journey?
If you never had to face anything alone again?
If you acheived your goals in a way that filled you with fluid feminine power?
If you fell in love with your real self fully?
If your life was a testament to everything that truly mattered to you?
Ignite Your sacred Dormant Power.

Soul Compass
Be The Master of Your Fate
Possibility Anchors aren't only sexy-smart, they're the most deliciously-cozy way to stay connected to what matters most to you (regardless of what this Fairy-Tale throws at you). This is your life and your story to write but, to avoid falling prey to the dark side of the Fairy-Tale, you'll need a magic power or two! Soul Compass is exactly that!
$200 once to uncover your unique Soul Compass and be able to use it for the rest of your life.

"You can Feel the Magic within just a Few Minutes"
I wasn’t sure what to expect as I opened up Soul Compass. I was intrigued by the description but didn’t really understand why I knew I wanted it!
The thing I most love about Soul Compass is that it takes the work that might be done in a meditation or visualization to a ten times deeper level and transforms it into something that I feel can impact my life in a deep and an ongoing basis. I don’t really understand the science of it all but you can feel the magic within just a few minutes.
The journey itself felt like a blanket of love being wrapped around you.
In the end, I feel like my Soul Compass is a magical part of me that I couldn’t put my finger on prior to doing the journey but it’s somehow so perfect for this next stage of my life. Like I could feel that I had this in me somehow, somewhere but couldn’t really access the power of it. It already feels like a beacon I can call on whenever I want to navigate this next big exciting stage of my life.
If you have done any sort of personal development work, do yourself a favor and add Soul Compass to take yourself even deeper and rise up to meet the next version of yourself.

"It's an Immersive Experience"
There is nothing more magical that you can do for yourself than allow yourself to go on this journey.
There’s nothing more spellbinding and fairy-tale and dreamlike and comforting and loving and warm and nurturing and creative and connected as you are in the Soul Compass Journey. It’s an immersive experience.
And it's guided by the most loving, magical, feminine being that has unlocked life for me in so many ways. It’s enchanting!!
For me, It’s like having a North Star or if I need to center or ground or bring myself back to an ok place or when I need something to remind me that I’m ok, that’s what the soul compass does for me.
It's a mood shifter and a grounder and I’m obsessed with using mine. I can’t wait to collect more Possibility Anchors when they’re released!

"This is Something REAL & I can FEEL it!"
I love my Soul Compass Possibility Anchor!
I’m connecting with it everyday for strength, courage, clarity and calm, and I’m realizing that it loves me back. WOW! I want to speak to something else too though.
I want to speak about how the result of the Soul Compass journey was immediate and obvious. I've done other shit and worked with other modalities but literally in an afternoon the Soul Compass Journey did something REAL. Even though I fu@#ed-up the instructions it was clear as a gong ringing from inside my head when my big black horse materialized. Also the day after I did the Journey, I had a moment where I came up against some ick and resistance and struggled for a while, then I started singing a prayer to the divine and in the midst of that it said “use your Soul Compass!”. I was like duh! Right.
This is something REAL and I can FEEL it! Find your Soul Compass and pay attention to the opportunities to really seal the deal with yours. I promise you’ll thank yourself for trusting!

"Your super-power is already available and inside of you"
I didn’t know what to expect going into the Soul Compass Journey. What I know for sure is that upon reading Jamie's words, I felt like I truly connected to what she said, that instead of constantly pushing through my life or forcefully resisting things, that instead we’re gonna replace that with the courage which would allow me to be pulled forward with ease. Going through the process of gathering my elements felt like strolling through amazing important chapters of my past in the book of my life I had almost forgotten about - the treasures I sometimes forget are back there. Taking that journey and remembering those crucial moments, not just in my mind's eye but with all the senses of my body, felt as if I really just got into a time travel machine to re-experience everything that happened fully back there. Now the thought that comes to me when I think about my Soul's Compass is a warm spring day, rubber boots, puddles and playing with frogs in the Stream along the ditch. I hope these can be words that resonate with people out there who need encouragement to take the step forward in their journey and gain the valuable tool of having their Soul Compass for guidance and knowing that super-power is already available and inside of them.

"I guess I DO believe in magic after all."
To be honest sometimes this kind of “woowoo” is too much for me. Even though I feel like I very much live in this world where I KNOW we can change and heal, I sometimes don’t believe in the magic of life. I decided to do Soul Compass because I’ve been struggling for the last 4 years, struggling with depression and my emotional well-being, feeling alone and like I wasn’t going to make it on my own. I knew I needed something inside myself to hold onto, to help me keep going when I was too afraid and tired. Going through the process was sooooooooo gentle and easy, the hardest part was answering the questions, and even that was a beautiful process of reflection. When my compass popped out of my subconscious, it was a coral coloured polka dot umbrella and my first reaction was “I don’t like that I want something else” 😂 but, as I know already, that’s not how this stuff works, and it turns out MY umbrella is actually perfect. I got to spend time FEELING my umbrella, touching every part of it, smelling it, hearing the rain land on it in my mind, and with every new sensation my body relaxed and I felt like a curious sweet little girl. I take my umbrella out when I’m feeling overwhelmed, angry, overstimulated, scared, anything really, and all I have to do is hold its wooden handle and feel it, the grooves and the notches, the smoothness, and I feel my body grounding and my thoughts calming. I’ve had big feelings that I couldn’t manage and I brought out my coral umbrella and held it open in front of my belly, and it felt like it was a shield protecting my most vulnerable parts. I have only just started seeing how I can use my umbrella and I’m so looking forward to having it with me whenever I need it, in fact, as I’m typing this I’m twirling my umbrella on the floor, I can hear it swishing and the way it resists the air a little bit, my whole body takes a big breath and I feel calm and grounded. Thank you Jamie for creating this simple yet incredible tool for anyone who is willing to go for it ❤ so I guess I DO believe in magic after all.

"I use it when I wanna remember my WHY. "
I could not recommend Soul Compass more highly. At first I had a smidge of embarrassment about what my psyche brought me as my Soul Compass: A Treasure Chest. As I logically thought about it … I was like … “really, my Soul wants gold …adventure …how vain is that?”. But then I slowed down, and actually gave it a chance. I felt into it slowly over the next week after my Journey. I got curious about it and felt into the strangely safe energy of it. And all of a sudden …it was like it activated and I was flushed with an understanding of it and now it’s my guide. I’ve developed a relationship to it. I use it whenever I feel like I’m spinning, lost or need comfort. I use it when I wanna remember my WHY. Why I’m doing what I’m doing. It keeps me pointed in a direction that brings satisfaction to my life and purpose to my choices. It’s like a direct “red phone line” to my soul - Making it easy to make choices that feel right and in alignment. It does all that while bringing relief and relaxation to my body, almost as if it soothes me. Give it a chance. Be curious. Play with it and see what your soul might bring you.

How Does it Work?
Why Not Lifetime Acesss?
Is this like a Mantra or Affirmation?
Do I Need Privacy?
Is this Hypnotherapy?
How Much Time Will it Take?
What is a Soul Compass?

Your Money-Back Guarantee
If you're not satisfied with your purchase of the Soul Compass Journey, we'll give you your money back. We believe in this work and have seen it perform magic for others time again. We believe you will too once you complete the Journey.
Email [email protected] within 14 days of purchase for a full, no-questions-asked refund.
Jamie Sullivan smells of Adventure & Dreams and speaks messages of the Heart without whispering a word.
She's playful & loving but do NOT be fooled - She's BRILLIANT at her craft and comes at matters of the soul FIERCE & STRONG.
When it comes to Jamie:
"Love's her Mender, Imagination her Magic."

it's now or later so just act...
Because My Love, You ARE Living Magic.
If you want a life stitched with self-love and bliss-filled magic, ways thru challenging times that illuminates your soul, fortifies your heart and devotion to mission & meaning - I’ve found no more a feminine & kind way than this.
The Fairy-Tale is Real. Time to grab the magic ink pen & start writing!
Not only is a Soul Compass your own personal lighthouse, it'll turn your everyday journey into one embedded with a peaceful heart. It’s entirely practical and real-world tangible but born of magic. Yours. Let us show you. Discover & Unite with Your Soul Compass Today