Welcome to Wonderland.
Want Magic? You already have it. We'll prove it.
Life is a Fairy-Tale.
In order to find your way thru the labyrinths of your mind & the enchanted forests of this world,
you need to …
First, "Believe".
Be released from one size fits all fairy tales & understand true happiness is as unique as you.
Explore the seas of your mind & claim your Happy Ending.
Embark on this adventure and earn mindset shifts that'll ensure your peace of mind forevermore.

Second, "Discover".
Courage & fear have long been lovers. Get this and savor a new way of living. Replace will & control with trust & grace.
Like snowflakes falling from a moonlit sky, experience the comfort & warmth of the dark side.
Third, "See".
Own & celebrate your unique glory on this precious ride of a true-to-you life.
Being you, no matter what's happening in your life, is like having the wind soothe your soul on a wild autumn day: Decadent & Delicious.

…& Finally, "Know".
Knowing you're enough is the alchemy that gives our wings flight. Knowing it in your bones is liberation.
Feel the freedom of being able to walk away from your past with peaceful gratitude and into your future with acceptance & grace.
Transform Your Life into a Captivating Oasis
A Journey made of two courses, "Happy Endings" & "Wonderland", this adventure'll help you burst into your own real-life fairy tale. Our journeys centered around 4 Jewels of Life: Fulfillment, Truth, Authenticity & Time.
Instead of a game of Snakes and Ladders, where you keep trying to climb the ladders but instead slide down the snake, we abandon the game altogether. By setting you up to collect Possibility Anchors as you go thru our journey's, you'll never have to worry about sliding back again. The gifts you collect as you journey will ensure you only move forward.

This healing Journey's taken 8 years of research to make and exists to fulfill 3 main goals:
- To educate you so the power of your life's in, and Stays in, YOUR hands.
- To inspire & motivate you by leaving you with deep insight, personal healing, and a clear understanding about what YOU need to fly.
- To prepare your sweet soul to experience EVERYTHING you've ever yearned for & wanted.

"What you showed me in Happy Endings is that BIG shifts can be gentle. As an alpha female there’s this assumption that if it isn’t hard, intense or explosive it isn’t valuable. You showed me that isn’t true-That even greater outcomes occur when you trust your system. You’re clever way of tinkering helped me do that. I know now that freeing ourselves from the narratives that have captured & imprisoned us doesn’t need to be gritty & difficult but can be gentle and, with care & attention, like you bring, easily dismantled & removed."
-Isa Bailey
Spiritual Badass & Entrepreneur
Below we describe the fundamentals of our courses - The Four Jewels.
"Grasp these & you won't even care about the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow."
Jamie Sullivan
Jewel #1: Happy Endings
We talk as if happiness is easy but the truth is, it's not. Happiness is a complex dance between you & your life. If you don't know the psychology of it, how to set your soul up to thrive - life can feel awfully disappointing. This 8-WEEK starter course is designed to set you up to win in life & love.
- "Happy Endings" is an 8-week PRE-REQUISITE course to "Wonderland" (6-month course).

Jewel #2: ONE.
Understand your fear. Why? Cause you're the Captain of Your Soul-it's time to start acting like it. We're not only encouraging you to stand for yourself, we'll hack your mind and rescue yer inner Super Hero. This jewel will leave you grounded and at peace with your power & passion.
Jewel #3: Spark
True beauty's an authentic soul living a satiating life. Knowing yourself, the starry darkness, the soothing light - feeds your soul & your body. It's from knowing yourself, realizing your intrinsic value & loving ALL that you are that you begin to radiate. Once you begin to shine... nothing and no one can hold you back.

Jewel #4: Carousel
Escape Artists, Illusionists, Oracles oh my! In a world full of too many choices, too many lies and too much pain - making the hard choices is harder than ever. Carnivals an open invitation to radical honesty, an offering of ease, and a guide post for how to be free. Let's build something worthwhile. We're better together.
You're Ready for This
You're not alone. Whatever it takes, we believe in you.

Interactive Hypnosis
Our courses are spun with the magic of hypnosis. During our time together we'll journey through the story of your life. Crafted to provide insight to guide you "Home" to the heart of you, these hypnotic journey's are crafted with science AND love. Your experiences will be palpable.

On-Demand Online
Happy Endings is approx. 12-hours of Questing typically over 8-weeks. Individuals take between 26-35 hours to complete their Wonderland Journey. Each lesson (or stop in the Quest) is 60-90 minutes.
Each class is inspiring & meaningful healing time focused on helping your brain lead you to the promised land.

Private & Discreet
This journey's a join us from home with your PJ's on deal. Wether you join solo or with a friend, you'll be in trustworthy company.
You'll get your own library and access to our private community here @ "The Truffle Box". All you'll need's a journal to write in and a computer or smartphone.
Your Guide - Jamie Sullivan
A spirit of Wonderland, Sullivan's been a Master Hypnotist for 18 years. From the rich & famous to the neighbor next door, she's been trusted with the most precious thing we have, ourselves. The top of her profession, her healing skills & authenticity earned her the nickname Fairy Godmother (but her friends call her the Fairy Fucking Godmother). Why? Because she's BRILLIANT …& swears a lot.
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